A Snack of All Time

Publicado el August 3, 2013
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Snacks flood our markets, we have thousands of options available, but not many of them are healthy as well as delicious. Here we have a great option with a superfood, it offers great nutritional value, and is really easy to make.

Almonds have many uses and can be part of a big array of products, and from a nutritional point of view, they are a great source of vitamin E, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron; which makes them a great choice not just as a delicious complement for different recipes, but as an important part of our daily diet. Many health benefits have been attributed to almonds, from improving the skin to the reducing risk of cancer and other diseases.

For this and many other reasons, almonds should be always present in our diet, and there are many fun ways to take advantage of their culinary versatility.  Here we have a good example, a recipe for a tasty snack that you won’t be able to forget!